品牌: Quan Wei
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全威 (ULTRA) 特级关节活素在原有的专利配方(PATENT NUMBER: 10201402819W)上添加透明质酸 (Hyaluronic Acid) 与壳聚糖 (Chitosan)。来提升关节的润滑度,减轻关节摩擦让活动更灵活更好保护关节软骨。
*专利配方:全威关节活素以硫酸鹽葡萄糖胺 (Glucosamine Sulfate 2KCL),硫酸软骨素 (Chondroitin Sulfate),甲基硫酰甲烷 Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM),II型胶原蛋白 (骨胶原)为主要成份和5种草药制成,是新加坡专利配方。
透明质酸 (HA) 是人体膝关节中天然润滑液的组分之一。透明质酸的浓度和分子量会随着年龄的增加在骨关节中降低,因此影响其作为关节减震、润滑等功能。透明质酸有助于缓解轻度至中度骨关节炎疼痛、减少摩擦和改善膝关节功能。
壳聚糖 (Chitosan) 作用于减轻疼痛,保护关节软骨、预防关节粘连。促进滑膜细胞的分泌滑液,润滑、减震和滋养膝关节。
- 加速软骨细胞的再生与修复。
- 减轻关节软骨、硬骨及邻近组织的损害,帮助关节组织再造。
- 刺激软骨弹性组织的修复、预防失去弹性。
- 控制滑膜分泌液的平衡,润滑和滋养膝关节软骨组织枯萎。
- 减震缓冲身体负重、重量对关节的破坏、变形及钙化。
- 适合关节不适人士。
- 运动员(需要跳跃,颠簸和弹跳的动作);
- 不正确的姿势导致关节受损;
- 活动受限,关节声响;
- 运动量较大,关节容易劳损的人群;
- 长期固定姿势工作单关节劳损较大的人群(如:鼠标手、颈椎劳损等);
- 骨质中度到重度退化的中老年人群;
- 对关节炎症及骨质病群有帮助。
成分:Glucosamine Sulfate 2KCL 145mg, Chondroitin Sulfate 90mg, Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM) 45mg, Type II Collagen 45mg, Morinda Root Extract 25mg, Epimedium Grandiflorum Extract 25mg, Sambucus williamsii Hance Extract 25mg, Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. Sm. 25mg, Turmeric Root Extract 25mg, Hyaluronic Acid 25mg, Chitosan 25mg
使用方式:每天 2 次,每次 2 粒,饭后服用。
包装:90 粒


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Dear customer, thank you so much for your support! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great shopping experience with us. Here’s to wishing you good health and happiness with our products!
Dear customer, thank you so much for your support! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great shopping experience with us. Here’s to wishing you good health and happiness with our products!
Saw many good reviews then buy one to try . I will buy again . Good product’s - leg not pain . Convinient to bring to outside . Good service as receive the item earlier after the payment. Seller got fast response to address your queries .
Dear customer, thank you for sharing your experience with us! We are happy to hear that our products work as well as advertised! We’re always dedicated to the quality of our products that many have come to expect of us.
Have a nice day!
Suitability:fast delivery and good quality service ,thanks you very much 👍🏻
Dear customer, thank you so much for your support! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great shopping experience with us. Here’s to wishing you good health and happiness with our products!